Local Emulation
Test local network
This example shows how to create a local network of Indy nodes.
Define Trustees
First you need to create a file with the trustees information. The file must have the following format:
Trustee name,Trustee DID,Trustee verkey
This example is for register clients that have a SEED defined as 000000000000000000000000TrusteeX
. The SEED is used to generate the DID and verkey. The file is used to create the trustees in the network. The file is passed to the IndyBasic
class as trustees_path
Experiment code
The code below shows how to create a local network of Indy nodes. The network is created in a single host, using Docker containers. The network is composed of 4 nodes, 3 trustees. The trustees are the nodes that validate the transactions.
- You need to create a file with the trustees information;
- Define the hostname or IP address of the host where the emulation will run;
from fogbed import (
setLogLevel, FogbedDistributedExperiment
from fogledger.indy import (IndyBasic)
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
exp = FogbedDistributedExperiment()
# Define Indy network in cloud
indyCloud = IndyBasic(
exp=exp, trustees_path='PATH_TO_FILE_TRUSTEES.csv', config_nodes=[
{'name': 'node1'},
{'name': 'node2'},
{'name': 'node3'},
{'name': 'node4'},
# Add worker for cli
workerServer = exp.add_worker(f'HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS')
for i in range(len(indyCloud.ledgers)):
workerServer.add(indyCloud.ledgers[i], reachable=True)
input('Press any key...')
except Exception as ex:
Save the experiment code
Save the code above in a file named test-local-network.py
Run the experiment
To run the experiment, you need to run the following command: